January News Letter
As most of you know, on December 5, 2017, LASC lost a good portion of its facility to the Creek fire. A “Go Fund Me” page was initiated to help re-build LASC, and the request for help went out to fellow shooters. The response to our request for donations, funds and help was and is so appreciated by LASC. There are so many people to thank, so let’s get started, and remember each and every one of them is important:
To those who donated to our GO FUND ME page (they are in no special order):
Jerry Napier, who started the ball rolling, Rick Kelter, for spreading the word to his contacts who donated, JR & Pam Ray, Mike Dewey, Eric King, Dan Hagerty, Harry Sharp, Joshua Ferri for 2 donations (Joshua is Harry Sharp’s grandson), Lee Markham, Tony Wong, Ian Harris, Steve Abrahams, Ted Burns, Bob & Jeanie Hershey, Charles Iftiger, Gary Iftiger, Jim Harris, Phil Ehrens, Ricardo Chaparro, Alan Miyamoto, Jim & Faye Henry, Brad Trojanowski, Ramon Herrera, Dennis “Moose” Edwards, John Zumwalt, Tommy Allman, David Pozzi, Colin Jones, Stan Gin, Mike and Barbara Bowman, Carolyn Rouzier, Charlie McClure, Joe Cadenas, Jeff Erickson, Loren Greenwell, Steve Peck, Dan Ramm, Bruce Krell, Rick Huang, William Baer, David Lehman, Scott Mann, Steve Alarcon, the two “Anonymous” donors, Ronald Woodford, Jeff Groseth,
and Ron & Lee Cottriel.
To those who donated via check and pledge:
Dennis Robinson
Phil Prokop
Rick Kelley of the Cholla Gun Club, Yuma
Angeles Shooting Ranges
who made a donation to help us rebuild
To those who donated supplies:
Art Bergman
Karen Bailey
To those who donated time and effort to put us back together:
Jerry Napier – Who is leading the charge
Al Roberts – who set up the “Go Fund Me” site
Dennis Robinson and his tractor
The Unstoppable Duo: Joe Cadenas & Justin Cadenas
Faye & Jim Henry
Ramon & Sarah Herrera
Lee Markham, Karen Bailey
Colin Jones, George Kevanian
Jeffrey Ye, Steve Howard
Mark Woss, Joel Mosher
Mike Dewey, Landon Christensen
Gordon Hull, Bill Baer, Ted White
Steve Alarcon, Jeff Erickson
Steve Abrahams, and Craig Trask
Bill Wright & Son
The Young Marines who helped us clear the burned rubble
The CASA members
Boy Scout Troop 94 & Friends from Sylmar
They simply showed up on Dec. 31 and helped us:
Julian Aparicio, Oscar Aparicio
Olver Hernandez, Olver Hernandez, Jr.
Brigitte Hernandez, Brenda Guzman
Raylen Holland
Bob Brown (Head Firearm Instructor - LAPD Metro)
Ron Cottriel (Angeles Ranges)
Nabil Khattar (Angeles Armory)
The morning of the fire, Bob, from LAPD Metro (he uses the ASR and LASC ranges for cadet firearm instruction classes), alerted Ron and Nabil to the Creek fire, which broke out about 3:45am. The three got up to ASR as fast as possible and went into action. While it was still dark, extremely windy and smoky as the fire burned around them, they used the ASR fire truck and stopped the fire from spreading to structures that could be saved. They put out flames behind the Reloading Store and Angeles Armory and saved them. Sadly, the ASR office and adjoining buildings were too well involved upon arrival.
Then they proceeded up to LASC. Our office and club house were ablaze, but they put out a fire on our firing-line roof, pulled the smoldering phone pole log from under our range truck and hosed down the conexs to keep them from catching fire. If it weren’t for Bob, Ron and Nabil, LASC would have lost a lot more. We are still in business because of their actions which saved our range.
Because of the fire, Fridays will TEMPORARILY NO LONGER BE EXCLUSIVE TO LASC CLUB MEMBERS. The range will be rented if needed. If you want to shoot on a Friday, you MUST call the ASR office that morning to determine if the LASC range has been rented. If not, LASC club members may shoot. You MUST call first, and, of course, check into the ASR office before you commence shooting.
ASR Telephone Number: (818) 899-2255
REMEMBER: LASC club members must ALWAYS check in at the ASR office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form and pay the ASR fee before going up to LASC to shoot on non-match days.
February News Letter
Happy Valentine’s Day
We had a fantastic turnout for the January match, including a few LASC friends who drove a distance to help us celebrate our return to our new normal. Word spread that LASC was up and running. The kitchen area was moved and is working out fine. Shelters were erected to provide shade and the eating and “hanging out area” is happening. We are still improving, so bear with us as we get used to our new areas and make changes as we adjust to the routine.
Saturday night dinner was wonderful and a great start in the new kitchen area! If you didn’t stay you really missed out on a rare treat. JR cooked a fabulous roast, Faye and Joyce whipped up a few very tasty side dishes and John Zumwalt brought ice cream from Hanford. A great start to a new look at LASC.
Come and shoot! The more cards you shoot, the more money LASC makes for our re-building fund.
A lot of announcements to cover this month including more Thank yous. And, we have Match Reports and Coming-Event Announcements!
There are more people to thank this months as they stepped forward and donated money and time to help us rebuild. Each and every one of them is important to LASC getting back up and running.
To those who donated to our GO FUND ME page and gave LASC donations directly (they are in no special order):
Alan Miyamoto, Bill Butler, Bob Lopez, Marty Rossetti, Mark Woss, Ray Larson, Jackie Ginsburg, Craig Trask, Timothy Cicora, Jim & Faye Henry, Jim Watson, Steve Peck, Sako Festerdkjian, Scott Roberts, and
John Glennon
Getting the LASC up and running for the first match since the fire, January 13 & 14, 2018.
We need LASC members help for the Spring (Easter-themed) Target Setters Appreciation Match. LASC wants to thank all of our target setters who help us every two-day match, and who helped clean the range of debris and get LASC in working order. This is the way we can thank them. We need commitments from the club members to bring their .22 rifles, ammo, to help cook and serve lunch and anything else to show our hard-working Young Marines how much we appreciate them. It’s LASC’s time to help young shooters who just might become future LASC members!
TIME: Start at 8AM on 03/31 to set up the range (or help on the Friday before). Then clean up afterwards.
Jerry’s e-mail is: jerrynapier@ca.rr.com and
JR’s e-mail is jrray@pacbell.net
March News Letter
The 2018
May 26, 27 and 28
This is the first time LASC will be hosting this CRPA event. ATTACHED IS THE EVENT INFORMATION AND ENTRY FORM. We are asking that you send in your entries early so we know how many participants will be coming. LASC plans on having dinners on Saturday and Sunday nights for those who want to stay and enjoy the evenings with friends.
Make your plans now to be here for this championship event as we hope to start a new LASC tradition.
Cowboy dress optional.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
There was a lively turnout for the February Match with some familiar faces making a reappearance. Two of our friends from up north came down to shoot: Dan Hagerty and Eric King. And, Dave and Patsy Silva swung up from Yuma. Steve Hannawacker stopped by to shoot after an absence. It was great to see them back on the firing line. Our Saturday night dinner was in full swing thanks to Faye, Patsy, Dave, Joe and Ramon, who all kicked in and cooked a variety of great dishes. It’s always nice to sit around and socialize with friends. We’re still working out a few logistics in changing our “temporary tent club house,” but we think we have a better plan so we can all fit in one large “room” at the dinners. So, after shooting on Saturday, stay and enjoy the food and company.
And, I know it seems like a long ways away, but we are only 6 MONTHS out from the LASC Extravaganza!!! If you didn’t get a plaque last year, now is the time to start practicing this year to set your sights on improving. It will be here before you know it!!!
LASC EXTRAVAGANZA: 4 Days: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 - 3, 2018
We need LASC members help for the Spring (Easter-themed) Target Setters Appreciation Match. LASC wants to thank all of our target setters who help us every two-day match, and who helped clean the range of debris and get LASC in working order. This is the way we can thank them. We need commitments from the club members to bring their .22 rifles, ammo, to help cook and serve lunch and anything else to show our hard-working Young Marines how much we appreciate them. It’s LASC’s time to help young shooters who just might become future LASC members!
TIME: Start at 8AM on 03/31 to set up the range (or help on the Friday before). Then clean up afterwards.
Jerry’s e-mail is: jerrynapier@ca.rr.com and
JR’s e-mail is jrray@pacbell.net
Attention LASC Members
Membership: Starting in January 2019, the membership rates will be changing, and we are looking at a tiered membership schedule. Costs to keep LASC up and running are increasing, and we need to provide our members with a well-maintained, safe and fun place to shoot. LASC depends upon club members participating and helping. It is our goal that the new dues structure will not only reward those who participate and help maintain the club, but offer several choices for membership to all of LASC’s members and shooters. Therefore, we are reaching out to current club members to hear their ideas about LASC membership, the types of membership they would like to see offered by LASC, as well as the cost for the variations.
Participation: We are also asking our shooters and members if they have ideas on how we can increase participation at LASC, interest more shooters in coming to our events and matches, and, hopefully, joining the club. LASC needs to attract new members, increase revenue and match participation. If you have any feedback that would help the club, we’d love to hear from you.
Please talk to Jerry Napier or JR at the matches or send them an email at:
Jerry’s e-mail is: jerrynapier@ca.rr.com and
JR’s e-mail is jrray@pacbell.net
LASC appreciates its club members and their input.
April News Letter
The 2018
May 26, 27 and 28
This is the first time LASC will be hosting this CRPA event. ATTACHED IS THE EVENT INFORMATION AND ENTRY FORM.
Spots are filling up so get your entry applications in now!
LASC plans on having dinners on Saturday and Sunday nights for those who want to stay and enjoy the evenings with friends.
Make your plans now to be here for this championship event as we hope to start a new LASC tradition.
Cowboy dress optional.
The March match had a slow turnout on Saturday due to the constant cold rain. Some of the shooters stayed away until the sun came out on Sunday when it was a much nicer day and we were able to get some good shooting in for the match. Some club members and visiting shooters were trying out their cowboy rifles in anticipation of the May State Match. Time is running short, so the April matches are the perfect setting to get your gear in order and sight settings finalized.
There was no Saturday dinner because without a club house there was no warm, dry place to be had and people were heading home instead of hanging around. So, those staying the night took off and went for a hot meal at a local restaurant.
Sunday was much better, as the sun came out and we were able to get some good shooting in for the match.
Mike and Karen Aber (without Daisy!) drove down from Grant’s Pass on the way to Yuma and donated a cooking griddle that replaced the one lost in the Creek fire. A big “Thank You” to them for taking the time to do that. We enjoyed having them stop by and look forward to seeing them in August/September at the Extravaganza.
ON A SAD NOTE: For those who have been Silhouette Shooting for a while, you know the name Ken Light. Many silhouette shooters have utilized his custom equipment and bought merchandise he carried for silhouette shooters. Ken passed away on March 29. He was a great asset to the silhouette world and will be missed.
And, I know it seems like a long ways away, but we are only 5 MONTHS out from the LASC Extravaganza!!! If you didn’t get a plaque last year, now is the time to start practicing this year to set your sights on improving. It will be here before you know it!!!
LASC EXTRAVAGANZA: 4 Days: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 - 3, 2018
Attention LASC Members
Membership: Starting in January 2019, the membership rates will be changing, and we are looking at a tiered membership schedule. Costs to keep LASC up and running are increasing, and we need to provide our members with a well-maintained, safe and fun place to shoot. LASC depends upon club members participating and helping. It is our goal that the new dues structure will not only reward those who participate and help maintain the club, but offer several choices for membership to all of LASC’s members and shooters. Therefore, we are reaching out to current club members to hear their ideas about LASC membership, the types of membership they would like to see offered by LASC, as well as the cost for the variations.
Participation: We are also asking our shooters and members if they have ideas on how we can increase participation at LASC, interest more shooters in coming to our events and matches, and, hopefully, joining the club. LASC needs to attract new members, increase revenue and match participation. If you have any feedback that would help the club, we’d love to hear from you.
Please talk to Jerry Napier or JR at the matches or send them an email at:
Jerry’s e-mail is: jerrynapier@ca.rr.com and
JR’s e-mail is jrray@pacbell.net
LASC appreciates its club members and their input.
Fridays ARE STILL TEMPORARILY NO LONGER EXCLUSIVE TO LASC CLUB MEMBERS. The range will be rented if needed. If you want to shoot on a Friday, you MUST call the ASR office that morning to determine if the LASC range has been rented. If not, LASC club members may shoot. You MUST call first, and, of course, check into the ASR office before you commence shooting.
ASR Telephone Number: (818) 899-2255
REMEMBER: LASC club members must ALWAYS check in at the ASR office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form and pay the ASR fee before going up to LASC to shoot on non-match days.
· Jim Henry will be at LASC Big Bore weekend for any of your equipment needs.
· If your LASC MEMBER DUES for 2018 are still outstanding, please contact Jerry Napier either at the range, or send him an email at jerrynapier@ca.rr.com regarding your membership dues. There are a few people who have not renewed their membership this year.
· 2018 NRA Books will be available. Please check with Mark Woss at the cowboy or Big Bore Match. He will be ordering books. Or, Joel Mosher may have some from the club. For those of you interested, please contact either Mark or Joel and let them know you would like 2018 books.
· Lost and Found – If you believe you lost something at one of the matches, please check with Jerry Napier. Anything found goes into the office.
Now that we have the CRPA State Championship Cowboy Rifle Match in May coming to our range, there is a lot that needs to be done to make our range ready for this event. Please check with Jerry Napier about LASC projects, and let him know if you can spare extra time to make our range look its best.
Remember, after the work party you can stay and practice!
May News Letter
June News Letter
Tony Tello - Three Gun Aggregate winner accepting trophy form LASC President Jerry Napier
California State Lever Action Match Wrap-up!
LASC’s first California State Lever Action Match was a shooting success! Our range was as ready as we could make it after the fire. Jerry Napier with Joe Cadenas’s help got the electricity up and wired just four days before the match started. Dennis Robinson filled in part of the trench with the tractor and smoothed out the road. The rifle stands were restored, then oiled and stained (they looked great with all those cowboy rifles filling them up) and Lee Markham, JR and others helped put up a 20 x 20 tent (borrowed from Meg and Mike Dewey) as a make-shift club house. Faye and Pam got the kitchen supplies, shopping and food preparation done.
About forty shooters participated in the three-day match in Smallbore, Pistol Cartridge and Rifle Caliber. A few of the shooters came from out-of-state and some had never been to LASC before. All were impressed with the LASC range and how nice our facility is, even after the fire. We are hoping some of the shooters come back for LASC scheduled matches during the year.
Match Director Dennis Ostler (who worked himself to the bone doing a stellar job) set up office in the conex, arranged the squadding and set up the match. His wife Nora assisted with the paperwork, checking in each shooter and getting the each participants NRA book so scores could be entered for record. Each shooter received a goody bag and a T-Shirt. Before you knew it, the match was under way Saturday morning.
Current LASC club members did some excellent shooting:
Jacques Rifkind, new LASC member since February, bought a Marlin 39A in April and participated in his first match. He won First Place in Smallbore AA! What a great start to lever action! Great Shooting, Jacques!
Steve Howard placed Third in Smallbore AAA!
Bill Wright placed Third in Smallbore A!
Steve Alarcon won High Senior in Smallbore!
Mark Woss won High Senior in Rifle Caliber!
Jerry Ray (“JR”) placed Second in Rifle Caliber AAA and Second in Pistol Caliber AAA! Go JR!
Jacques Rifkind accepting plaque for First Place in AA from Jerry Napier
JR accepting plaque for Second in AAA Rifle Caliber
For all the pictures from the State Championship match, go to https://thebugfather.smugmug.com/2018-CA-LASC-Lever-Action-State/n-vPJJf7
Faye and Pam deserve a big LASC “Thank you” for cooking lunches each of the days for the target setters and the shooters. They kept us all going food wise, and provided some great meals. Finally, JR, brought his Traeger barbecue and did a fabulous job of cooking the tri tip for our special Sunday Night dinner. It was the best tri tip we ever had. We are hoping that he can do that again.
A lot of fun and discussions over dinner, and a lot of new friends were made during this match.
If you are an LASC member who shoots cowboy and did not participate in this event, why not? LASC needs its members to support its events. Without club members’ participation, LASC loses out on revenue and that reflects poorly on our club. Whatever reservations you had this time, put them aside for the next lever action championship and give the match a try. You may wind up winning first place in your division, like Jacques Rifkind.
At the June Big Bore Match, LASC will be starting a new lunch procedure each day.
At about 11:15 or so, LASC will call for shooters to start the last relay on the firing line before lunch. Once that relay is finished, we will close he firing line and break from about 12 Noon to 1pm for lunch. This will allow the target setters to come down from the bunkers, have lunch and relax. During that hour, the kitchen will be open for lunch service for all shooters and people at LASC. Once lunch hour is over, the target setters will head back to the bunkers, the line will once again be hot for shooting and the match will continue. The kitchen will close just after the lunch break is over to give the cooks a chance to clean up, get a little rest and start dinner preparations.
The reason we are calling last relay at 11:15 is to give those shooters a chance to finish their match without stopping. Of course, if a shooter wants to start their 40-round match after last relay is called, they may do so with the understanding they will have to stop shooting at lunch and resume after the break is over. We did this lunch break for the state match and both the cooks, target setters and shooters liked it. Everyone gets a chance to rest and socialize in the “clubhouse area” and the cooks get to close the kitchen with enough time for a break before starting dinner.
Don’t forget to complete a
Release Form each time at LASC
Every time you shoot or are at LASC you will need to complete a new release form. For the two-day match, that means a release form for each day you are at LASC. Each match will have the release forms on the firing line or in the club office to complete. The completed forms can be left in the release-form “in-box” on the firing line. For non-match days, release forms must be completed in the ASR office when you sign in prior to going to the LASC range.
I know it seems like a long ways away, but we are only THREE MONTHS out from the 2018 LASC Extravaganza!!! If you didn’t get a plaque last year, now is the time to start practicing to set your sights on improving. The Extravaganza will be here before you know it!!!
LASC EXTRAVAGANZA: 4 Days: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 - 3, 2018
July News Letter
Lee Edwards’ Hand-Made LASC Quilt – One-of-Kind!
The June two-day match seemed slow after the bustling activity of the state three-day championship match at the end of May. Turnout was a bit low. We had the LASC local members, Eric King from the Bay area who seems to be making a regular appearance at the monthly event, and Jim Harris who returned from Washington state. It was nice to see Luis Morales at the two-day event after the state match when he and Rocky Morales both won plaques in their divisions. Hope they both will make the Extravaganza in August/September to continue their top-notch shooting. Two ladies proved they were solid shooters in Small Bore Open Sight: Sophia Flores and Iris Carrillo.
There was no dinner at the range on Saturday night and those who stayed opted to go out to a restaurant and enjoy the evening. That gave a Faye a well-deserved break.
First of all, the picture does not do it justice. It’s a huge throw/quilt (I’m guessing 9 x 5) and very difficult to hold up and display. Dennis “Moose” Edwards wife, Lee Edwards, made it from Moose’s collection of LASC t-shirts from past club events. Lee, who is a noted quilt maker in her own right, hand-made this fabulous piece to help LASC rebuild. She spent hours arranging the shirts, creating a pattern, pinning the pieces together so they could be correctly sized and positioned, and finally stitching the quilt section-by-section. The quilt is padded and each shirt is pattern-stitched to the quilt batting. The fabric separating the shirts is a humorous moose (what else!) and raccoon camping motif and the back is a green forest cami pattern. Lee affixed her personal tag on the back.
LASC is looking to perhaps raffle it off with a reserve that must be met, put it up for auction or see if someone will meet LASC’s “buy now” price. There will be more information about the quilt at the July match and we may even have it up for display!
If you really want this unique piece of LASC history hand-crafted by Lee Edwards, then think about what you would offer to buy it outright, not that we want to start a bidding war…
There will have more information about the LASC quilt.
Stay tuned…
Remember: This was made to help LASC rebuild so bid generously.
NOTE: There are going to be some additions and changes coming to the LASC newsletter. The first one starts this month, so be sure you read everything to the end.
4 Days: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 - 3, 2018
I know it seems like a long ways away, but we are less than TWO MONTHS out from the 2018 LASC Extravaganza!!! If you didn’t get a plaque last year, start practicing to improve your scores and get your guns ready.
You can shoot all the “guns” (cards) you want over the four-day event to quality for different disciplines.
I recall that one person shot 21 guns in three-days!
Of course, for those who can only come for one or two days, the cost will be $20 a day. And, individual dinner tickets will be available each night.
Stay tuned for the August LASC Newsletter to confirm the schedule below for practice and campers/motorhomes arriving prior to the match. The schedule could change a tad due to rebuilding. Please let us know if you will be coming with a motorhome/camper or trailer so we can allow spaces for overnight parking.
- THURSDAY, August 30st - The range will be available for practice and sighting in your guns
- WEDNESDAY, August 29th – LASC will be open to campers and those staying overnight through the Extravaganza to arrive and set up
**LASC Members**
As you know, the October annual meeting is coming up Saturday, 13, about 4pm (after the match). This is the most important meeting in years, because we need to conduct club business to move the club forward so LASC can recover from the December 2017 fire.
There are many critical issues impacting LASC that will be discussed at the meeting.
LASC MEMBERSHIP COST: We are still asking for suggestions on membership costs in the coming year, including the re-vamped change to a tiered membership. If you have any ideas that would benefit members and LASC, please attend the meeting.
LASC MATCH FEES: We are also looking at increasing the cost of a card for each match. This will impact both members and guests.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the annual meeting we will be electing club officers. Currently, the President is Jerry Napier, Vice President is Karen Bailey, and the two positions of Secretary and Treasurer are held by Joel Mosher (which is allowed). Per the club by-laws, the club secretary may start accepting nominations on July 1st for any one of the four positions. If you feel you want to contribute more to LASC and run for one of offices, then submit your name to Joel Mosher atjam@joelmosher.com. All nominations must be received by September 20th.
REBUILDING OF FACILITY: We will be discussing the rebuilding of the club and expenditures needed for the necessary repairs. We need members’ feedback and their vote to okay certain aspects of the rebuilding as well as the expenditure of funds.
Without a quorum, LASC could be at a standstill.
LASC Members, if you have ideas (on membership, increasing club participation, rebuilding, and other LASC issues), the October Annual Meeting is the place where we want to hear your ideas. If you do not attend, you will not know what changes are coming for 2019.
REMINDER about the change to the two-day match procedure:
At about 11:15 or so, LASC will call for shooters to start the last relay on the firing line before lunch (if a shooter wants to finish his relay before the lunch break). Once that relay is finished, we will close he firing line and break from about 12 Noon to 1pm for lunch. This will allow the target setters to come down from the bunkers, have lunch and relax. During that hour, the kitchen will be open for lunch service for all shooters, target setter and guests at LASC.
Once lunch hour is over, the target setters will head back to the bunkers and the match will continue. The kitchen will close after the lunch break is over to give the cooks a chance to clean up, get a little rest and start dinner preparations if LASC will be serving dinner that night.
Don’t forget to complete a
Release Form each time at LASC
Every time you shoot or are at LASC you will need to complete a new release form. For the two-day match, that means a release form for each day you are at LASC. Each match will have the release forms on the firing line or in the club office to complete. The completed forms can be left in the release-form “in-box” on the firing line. For non-match days, release forms must be completed in the ASR office when you sign in prior to going to the LASC range.
August News Letter
This is the LAST two-day match before our annual Extravaganza!
Time to get your guns tuned up and sight settings perfected.
4 Days: Aug. 31, Sept. 1 - 3, 2018
You can shoot all the “guns” (cards) you want over the four-day event to qualify for different disciplines.
I recall that one person shot 21 guns in three-days!
Of course, for those who can only come for one or two days, the cost will be $20 a day. And, individual dinner tickets will be available each night.
Please let us know if you will be coming with a motorhome/camper or trailer so we can allow spaces for overnight parking.
- THURSDAY, August 30st - The range will be available for practice and sighting in your guns
- WEDNESDAY, August 29th – LASC will be open to campers and those staying overnight through the Extravaganza to arrive and set up
Lee Edwards’ Hand-Made LASC Quilt – One-of-Kind!
Just to recap from last month: The picture does not do it justice. It’s a huge throw/quilt (I’m guessing 9 x 5) and very difficult to hold up and display. Dennis “Moose” Edwards wife, Lee Edwards, made it from Moose’s collection of LASC t-shirts from past club events. Lee, who is a noted quilt maker in her own right, hand-made this fabulous piece to help LASC rebuild. She spent hours arranging the shirts, creating a pattern, pinning the pieces together so they could be correctly sized and positioned, and finally stitching the quilt section-by-section. The quilt is padded and each shirt is pattern-stitched to the quilt batting. The fabric separating the shirts is a humorous moose (what else!) and raccoon camping motif and the back is a green forest cami pattern. Lee affixed her personal tag on the back.
LASC is going to auction off this fabulous quilt/throw not in one auction event, BUT online. You can start bidding on the quilt. We will take bids at the LASC email: lasc0308@aol.com. Each week we will let all of you who are bidding know who the high bidder is and the bid amount.
TERM: The bidding will last through the Extravaganza, and end on Friday, September 21st at midnight PDT.
OPENING BID: LASC is starting the bid at $500.
BID INCREMENTS: Bids must be in increments of $20. If the last bid was $540, the next bid would be $560.
BUY IT NOW PRICE: If you really want the quilt/throw, there is a buy it now price of $1500.
If someone pulls the “Buy It Now” button, we will let those bidding know ASAP. If two people Buy it Now on the same day, the earliest buyer will get the quilt.
PAYMENT & SHIPPING: If you win the quilt, you can pay LASC by cash or check. Should you need the quilt shipped to you, shipping will be an additional charge.
Good Luck bidding!
PHOTOGRAPHS from the California State Lever Action Match
For those who want to see the entire assortment of photographs that Dennis Ostler and others took at the state match, here’s the link:
After you see the photos, if you missed the match this year, you will want to make sure you sign up for the next annual match.
**LASC Members**
As you know, the October annual meeting is coming up Saturday, Oct. 13, about 4pm (after the match). This is the most important meeting in years, because we need to conduct club business to move the club forward so LASC can recover from the December 2017 fire.
There are many critical issues impacting LASC that will be discussed at the meeting.
LASC MEMBERSHIP COST: We are still asking for suggestions on membership costs in the coming year, including the re-vamped change to a tiered membership. If you have any ideas that would benefit members and LASC, please attend the meeting.
LASC MATCH FEES: We are also looking at increasing the cost of a card for each match. This will impact both members and guests.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the annual meeting we will be electing club officers. Currently, the President is Jerry Napier, Vice President is Karen Bailey, and the two positions of Secretary and Treasurer are held by Joel Mosher (which is allowed). Per the club by-laws, the club secretary may start accepting nominations on July 1st for any one of the four positions. If you feel you want to contribute more to LASC and run for one of offices, then submit your name to Joel Mosher atjam@joelmosher.com. All nominations must be received by September 20th.
REBUILDING OF FACILITY: We will be discussing the rebuilding of the club and expenditures needed for the necessary repairs. We need members’ feedback and their vote to okay certain aspects of the rebuilding as well as the expenditure of funds.
Without a quorum, LASC could be at a standstill.
LASC Members, if you have ideas (on membership, increasing club participation, rebuilding, and other LASC issues), the October Annual Meeting is the place where we want to hear your ideas. If you do not attend, you will not know what changes are coming for 2019.
October News Letter
LASC's Resident Lookout Deer
As you know, the ANNUAL MEETING is coming up Saturday, October 13, about 4pm (after the match). This is the most important meeting in years, because we need to conduct club business to move the club forward so LASC can recover from the December 2017 fire.
There are many critical issues impacting LASC that will be discussed at the meeting.
LASC MEMBERSHIP COST: We are asking for suggestions and feedback regarding membership costs in the coming year, including the re-vamped change to a tiered membership. Most of you should have received a letter detailing the tiered membership and cost increases. To voice your feedback, you will need to attend the Annual Meeting.
LASC MATCH FEES: We are also contemplating an increase the cost of a “card” for each match. This will impact both members and guests.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the annual meeting we will be electing club officers. Currently, the President is Jerry Napier, Vice President is Karen Bailey, and the two positions of Secretary and Treasurer are held by Joel Mosher.
REBUILDING OF FACILITY: We will be discussing the rebuilding of the club and expenditures needed for the necessary repairs. We need members’ feedback and their vote to okay certain aspects of the rebuilding as well as the expenditure of funds.
Without a quorum, LASC could be at a standstill.
LASC Members, if you have ideas (on membership, increasing club participation, rebuilding, and other LASC issues), the October Annual Meeting is the place where we want to hear your ideas. If you do not attend, you will not know what changes are coming for 2019.
QUILT AUCTION HICCUP due to system outage!
Lee Edwards’ Hand-Made LASC Quilt!
So what happened?? Jerry Napier had a system outage and a computer revamp over several days during the time of the auction. This resulted in multiple bids coming in all at once and some bids being lost entirely (from what Jerry can determine).
So, in an effort to “restart” the bidding, please send Jerry an email if you submitted a bid or are interested in the quilt. The quilt will be on display at the Annual Meeting for you to see in person! Jerry’s email for the quilt is: lasc0308@aol.com.
Just to recap about the quilt: The picture does not do it justice. It’s a huge throw/quilt (I’m guessing 9 x 5). Dennis “Moose” Edwards wife, Lee Edwards, made it from Moose’s collection of LASC t-shirts from past club events. Lee, who is a noted quilt maker in her own right, hand-made this fabulous piece to help LASC rebuild. She spent hours arranging the shirts, creating a pattern, pinning the pieces together so they could be correctly sized and positioned, and finally stitching the quilt section-by-section. The quilt is padded and each shirt is pattern-stitched to the quilt batting. The fabric separating the shirts is a humorous moose (what else!) and raccoon camping motif and the back is a green forest cami pattern. Lee affixed her personal tag on the back.
Here is Dennis Robinson’s August 2018 Work Party report:
There were nine club members that showed up for the for the Saturday work party.
The condition of the range was still very good. The weeds on the berms took three members about one hour to clear. Most of the effort was focused on general maintenance and getting things ready for The Extravaganza.
The storage room at the end of the firing line was cleaned out and re-organized.
To facilitate watering the trees behind the firing line there were nine holes dug, and plastic pipes were inserted into the ground. The pipes will be filled to allow for slow drainage and deeper watering.
It was another very hot day, about 100 degrees, and, luckily, the work was finished by 10:30.
THANK YOU to all who came out and made this clean-up possible.
Saturday, November 3rd at 9am!
Remember, after the work party you can stay and practice!
LASC had a great EXTRAVAGANZA over a beautiful four days from August 31 to September 3 with the best weather in years. Thanks to Jerry Napier, Joe Cardenas, Bill Wright, Jim and Faye Henry, Dennis Robinson, Lee Markham, and all those who helped get the range ready for the event. Thanks to all those who cooked and served great dinners and kept the lunches going to feed all the hungry shooters: Faye, Pam, Joyce, Meg, the LASC kitchen crew. And to JR, who, not being able to shoot, because the LASC official score keeper. And, to Ramon and the Young Marines who help make our matches possible.
November News Letter
On Saturday, November 10, LASC will be serving its annual Thanksgiving Dinner. The LASC Cooking Crew is will be serving roasted turkey with all the trimmings such as dressing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, gravy and more tasty sides! Plan on coming out while the weather is beautiful and staying for LASC’s fabulous dinner. And, we will be enjoying our feast in the new club house, thanks to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas.
Thank you to all who came to LASC’s Annual Meeting this year. For the first time in several years we had a quorum and could conduct club business. It was great to have so many LASC members taking an active participation at the meeting.
President Jerry Napier, Vice President Karen Bailey, and Secretary and Treasurer Joel Mosher were re-elected.
LASC will be sending club members follow-up emails regarding issues still under discussion and review.
LASC Membership Cost, Match Fees and the update on the Rebuilding of the Facility will all be addressed in future correspondence.
SAVE THE DATES! MAY 4th & 5th 2019!
LASC will be hosting the Southwest Regional Lever-Action Rifle Match!
This match will be NRA-sanctioned.
So what’s the story on the CRPA State Lever-Action Rifle Match on Memorial Day Weekend?
In 2019, the CRPA California State Lever Action Rifle Championships will be going to Hat Creek Rifle and Pistol Club in northern California over Memorial Day Weekend. But, the match will return to LASC in 2020. LASC looks to host the event on alternating years with Hat Creek up north to better serve shooters in both Northern and Southern California. We are making this match a lead-up to the CRPA State Match so those shooters who really want to hone their rifle skills can start at our Regional Match and then head to the CRPA State Match at Hat Creek.
LASC is still thinking about starting the May 4th and 5th match on Friday the 3rd to make it a three-day event that wraps up on Sunday. Stay tuned for the final updates the scheduling. Let Jerry Napier know if you think this should be a three-day event.
· Jim Henry will be at the LASC Big Bore Match on SATURDAY ONLY! He will not be there on Sunday.
· IMPORTANT: FRIDAYS RESERVED FOR LASC MEMBERS IN 2019: The following Fridays in 2019 have been set aside so LASC club Members may use their range: February 1; March 22; July 5; August 18; November 29; and December 27. LASC is doing this to accommodate ASR’s need to rent our range during the year. We hope that by 2020, all Fridays will be reserved exclusively for club members.
Until then, if any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110. They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.
· REMEMBER: On non-match days when the LASC range is open for LASC Club members to use, they must ALWAYS check in at the ASR office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form and pay the ASR fee before going up to LASC to shoot. (Some of you are not checking in!)
· – If you believe you lost something at one of the matches, please check with Jerry Napier. Anything found goes into the office. There is some interesting items we are accumulating…
· Don’t forget to sign a Release Form each time you shoot at LASC. They are on the firing line or at the ASR office for non-match days.
Here is Dennis Robinson’s October 2018 Work Party report:
There were six club members and one guest of a club member at the work party on Saturday, October 6.
Jerry and I arrived at the about 7:10am. Jerry pointed out some of the projects that needed to be done. First job was to remove tree stumps and put the debris in the trash dumpster. Next fill in the holes after removing the stumps.
8:00am: Joe Cadenas, Ted Bures (Guest) and Mark Woss arrived. Joe helped fill the stump holes, while Mark and Ted started clearing the weeds on the 50- and 100-yard berms. The tractor was used to clear the grass and weeds behind the 50- and 100‑yard berms.
9:00am: Bill Wright and Boris Sorkin arrived. Bill worked on repairing targets and Boris cleaned and swept the firing line.
About 11:00am as the work was being completed, about four or five people arrived to shoot after the work party.
Sunday Oct 14, 2018
At the end of the Big Bore Two-Day match on Sunday, as the targets were being picked-up the axel on the target trailer broke.
Monday and Tuesday October 15 and 16, 2018
The winds at the range were 60-plus miles per hour and the 10 x 20 white cover by the storage containers (under which we cooked) was blown into the gully and broke apart.
The Quonset hut-type cover over the target trailer and other club equipment was ripped and damaged beyond repair.
The roof on the corner of the firing line was blown back and caused about $200.00 in damage. And, there were broken tree branches everywhere.
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
I arrived at the range about 7:45 and Jerry a few minutes later.
Jerry started working on repairing the axel on the trailer. I got the tractor and a trash bin and started picking up the debris from the remodeling of the trailer/classroom and picking up the blown-down tree branches.
9:00am: Joe C. and Bill W. arrived and helped Jerry repair the axel on the trailer.
THANK YOU to all who came out over the several days and made this clean-up and repair possible.
Saturday, December 1st at 9am!
Remember, after the work party you can stay and practice!
December News Letter
It’s Christmas!
On Saturday, December 8th, LASC will be serving its annual Christmas Dinner. Plan on coming out, shooting during the day and staying for the Christmas dinner. And, we will be enjoying dinner inside a warm club house, thanks to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas.
This dinner is a special event: LASC’s first Christmas dinner in two years. It was one year ago on December 5, 2017 that LASC lost its clubhouse, restrooms, kitchen and office. When we first saw the damage, we had no idea how we would rebuild or if we could. Thankfully, our firing line and conex’s were saved from the flames.
One year later, LASC now has a new clubhouse in which to hold its Christmas celebration. Time to come out and be thankful that were have this wonderful facility. And to say thank you to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas who have been working endlessly to get the new structure comfortable and warm for the winter.
By now all of LASC members should have received the update on the cost for the annual LASC Membership. As you can see, LASC did increase the fees a little to offset the increased cost to maintain the range and the cost of rebuilding. We are also looking at offering a little more with LASC memberships, but that will be announced in upcoming correspondence.
LASC annual dues need to be paid in the month of January to be current. They are delinquent if not paid by February 1. Please let us know if you have any questions on the new fee structure.
· Jim Henry will be at the LASC Big Bore Match on BOTH DAYS! If you missed him last month, don’t miss him this month.
MEMBERS IN 2019: The following Fridays in 2019 have been set aside so LASC club Members may use their range: February 1; March 22; July 5; August 18; November 29; and December 27. (If dates change or additional days become available, we will add them to this list.) LASC is doing this to accommodate ASR’s need to rent our range during the year. We hope that by 2020, all Fridays will be reserved exclusively for club members.
Until then, if any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110. They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.
· REMEMBER: On non-match days when the LASC range is open for LASC Club members to use, they must ALWAYS check in at the ASR office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form and pay the ASR fee before going up to LASC to shoot. (Some of you are not checking in!)
· Lost and Found – If you believe you lost something at one of the matches, please check with Jerry Napier. Anything found goes into the office. There is some interesting items we are accumulating…
· Don’t forget to sign a Release Form each time you shoot at LASC. They are on the firing line or at the ASR office for non-match days.