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January 2020

January News Letter

December 2019 Match and Christmas Dinner Wrap-up

The December Match was well attended and not too cold the first day.  However, on Sunday the winds started up and the match was cut short and stopped at noon.  Too windy and cold to shoot, even in the sun.  LASC had friends come a distance to partake of our Christmas Dinner:  Dave and Patsy Silva from Yuma, Eric King and Dan Hagerty from up north, and Joyce Brown came by to help with the event.  Nice to see all of you and all the shooters who stayed for our annual Christmas feast.  JR cooked prime rib, and there were homemade pies, tasty salads, and an assortment of incredible side dishes.  A true LASC Feast. 

We also celebrated two birthdays with cake:  Joe Cadenas and Jerry Ray (JR)!  LASC wouldn’t be what it is without the dedication of these two members!


The Club House looked spectacular in all its Christmas Decorations:  table decorations, wall décor and a huge Christmas tree!  It was wonderful!

Of course LASC needs to thank Faye Henry who brought her tree and decorations so LASC could have a “real Christmas spirit,” Vicky Shaver who decorated the tables and did the wall décor, to Joyce Brown and Pam Ray who also did the table décor and Patsy Silva who decorated and brought the best cranberry salad.  And, to all the LASC Kitchen Crew for the Christmas Dinner and  daily Lunches:  Faye, Pam, Patsy, Joyce and Vicky who make sure our dinners happen and the target setters and shooters are fed.  You are so much appreciated. 

And Thanks to JR for taking time from shooting to answer the call of the Traeger to make the prime rib. 

Take a look below at the pictures from the annual dinner.  It’s these events that make LASC a great club.

And last in the list but so important during the matches, a Thank You to Jim Henry, who keeps us shooting.   Make sure you let him know that you appreciate him driving each month to keep LASC shooters going. 






MAY 22, 23 & 24, 2020


 The State Match competitions will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 

Awards will be handed out for each competition at the end of the day’s match.  LASC is planning a finale of Awards, Drawings and Give-Aways (goodies well worth the wait) at the Sunday dinner.  Believe me, you will want to stick around for the drawings.  We want shooters to be able to stay and enjoy a casual evening with friends and fellow shooters after the championship.  Then there will be all day Monday, Memorial Day, to head home.

There will be three events:  Small Bore, Pistol Caliber and Long Range. There will be dinners on Friday and Saturday nights with a finale of Awards and Drawings at the Sunday evening dinner.  Shooters will be able to arrive on Wednesday evening if they are staying at LASC; practice will be open starting on Thursday for competitors. 




·       Extravaganza Plaques – Some shooters who won plaques at the 2019 Extravaganza have not picked them up.  Here’s a list of those we have in the office.   Apologies if your name is here and you have picked them up:  Steve Alarcon, Bill Baer, Mike Dewey, Loren Greenwall, Jim Harris, Craig Messei, Boris Sorkin, Mike Takaki, Tony Tello, Ted White, and Tony Wong.


·       Jim Henry – Jim will be there for your firearm needs


·       LASC MEMBERS:  NOW IN 2020 CLUB MEMBERS CAN NOW SHOOT ON TWO FRIDAYS A MONTH!:  Each month, the Friday before the two-day match and the Friday before the .22 match are now RESERVED for LASC members to shoot.  If you are able, LASC needs its members to come up and shoot on those OPEN Fridays so we can show ASR that our club members are actively making use of those days. 

If members don’t use them, we may lose them next year since ASR gets many requests to rent our range!  Of course, each shooter will need to check-in at the ASR main office and pay the nominal ASR fee.   


Further, if any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110.  They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.

February 2020

February News Letter


January 2020 Match Reports


State Championship Information and Entry Form

The January Match was a bit sparse with many regular shooters not showing up.  To make up for that, we had a large crowd of rifle shooters, most shooting cowboy lever action.  The May state match is not that far off and it looks like they are getting in their practice time.  Time to get those loads figured out! 

We didn’t have a club dinner on Saturday night because the weather turned very chilly in the evening and most shooters headed home early. 

The rebuilt bathrooms are coming along nicely thanks to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas.  Looks like the rebuild work might be done by the state match in May. 

Slowly we are adding upgrades to LASC to make it a better environment for its members and guests.  Please spread the word that LASC is getting its facilities back in order.





MAY 22, 23 & 24, 2020

Friday, 5/22, Saturday, 5/23 and Sunday. 5/24. 




Only shooters competing in the Championship Matches will be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing.

(* If Henry is unable to supply this model, a comparable model will be substituted.)

All entries received and paid by May 1, 2020, will receive an additional ticket for the Grand Prize drawing.

Attached is the entry form with the details. 

Awards will be handed out for each championship at the end of the day’s match.  LASC is planning a finale of the drawing for the Grand Prize, plus Awards, Door Prizes and Give-Aways (goodies well worth the wait) before and during the Sunday dinner.  Believe me, you will want to stick around for the drawings. We want shooters to be able to stay and enjoy a casual evening with friends and fellow shooters after the championship matches are over.  Then there will be all day Monday, Memorial Day, to head home.

The State Match will consist of three events:  Small Bore, Pistol Caliber and Long Range. There will be dinners on Friday and Saturday nights with a finale of Awards and Drawings before and during the Sunday evening dinner.  Shooters will be able to arrive on Wednesday evening if they are staying at LASC; practice will be open starting on Thursday for competitors. 




·      CLUB MEMBERSHIP - If you have not paid your 2020 LASC Dues, please see Jerry Napier or Joel Mosher.  Dues not paid by the beginning of February are considered late, and certain privileges may be suspended.   Dues are $75 for the year.


·      LASC MEMBER ROSTER - If a member wants to shoot on a non-match day at LASC (on the weekend or on an LASC Friday), their name must be on the club list for cleared club members maintained at the ASR office.  If their name is not listed, they cannot shoot and will not be admitted to the LASC range.


·      Extravaganza Plaques – Some shooters who won plaques at the 2019 Extravaganza have not picked them up.  Here’s a list of those we have in the office.   Apologies if your name is here and you have picked them up:  Steve Alarcon, Bill Baer, Mike Dewey, and Tony Wong.


·      Jim Henry – Jim will be there for your firearm needs


·      LASC MEMBERS:  NOW IN 2020 CLUB MEMBERS CAN NOW SHOOT ON TWO FRIDAYS A MONTH!:  Each month, the Friday before the two-day match and the Friday before the .22 match are now RESERVED for LASC members to shoot.  If you are able, LASC needs its members to come up and shoot on those OPEN Fridays so we can show ASR that our club members are actively making use of those days. 

If members don’t use them, we may lose them next year since ASR gets many requests to rent our range!  Of course, each shooter will need to check-in at the ASR main office and pay the nominal ASR fee.   


Further, if any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110.  They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.

March 2020

March News Letter


State Championship Information and Entry Form


February saw a large crowd of rifle shooters, most shooting cowboy lever action.  We are getting closer to the May State match and more shooters are working on their loads and sighting in.   Don’t forget to take advantage of early registration.


If you do not, it’s a bill to prohibit the use of lead ammo at outdoor and indoor ranges.  That includes lead ammo from your stash.  All that ammo would become unusable in the state of California.   Please take a look below at the CRPA link about bill AB-3071.  And a big thanks to club member Jacques Rifkind who has brought this to our attention.  The CRPA also has this on their front home page.  It is very serious.  Check it out.

Help with the March Cowboy Match on Saturday, March 22!

On Sunday, match director, Mark Woss, is asking for assistance setting up the targets before the match.  If you can get to the LASC range before 9am and give Mark a hand, please contact him at and let him know.




FRONTIER MODEL with 24” INCH OCTAGON BARREL* will be the Grand Prize


MAY 22, 23 & 24, 2020

Only shooters competing in the Championship Matches will be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing.

(* If Henry is unable to supply this model, a comparable model will be substituted.  Winner will be responsible for all applicable taxes, DROS and transfer fees.)

All entries received and paid by May 1, 2020, will receive an additional ticket for the Grand Prize drawing.

Attached is the entry form with the details. 

Awards will be handed out for each championship at the end of the day’s match.  LASC is planning a finale of the drawing for the Grand Prize, plus Awards, Door Prizes and Give-Aways (goodies well worth the wait) before and during the Sunday dinner.  Believe me, you will want to stick around for the drawings. We want shooters to be able to stay and enjoy a casual evening with friends and fellow shooters after the championship matches are over.  Then there will be all day Monday, Memorial Day, to head home.

The State Match will consist of three events:  Small Bore, Pistol Caliber and Long Range. There will be dinners on Friday and Saturday nights with a finale of Awards and Drawings before and during the Sunday evening dinner.  Shooters will be able to arrive on Wednesday evening if they are staying at LASC; practice will be open starting on Thursday for competitors. 


Please see Mark Woss’s information below on how the NRA is tracking scores.  Shooters will need to log-in online and pay $15 to register for classification recognition. 


·      CLUB MEMBERSHIP - If you have not paid your 2020 LASC Dues, please see Jerry Napier or Joel Mosher.  If you have not signed up by March, why not???   Dues are $75 for the year.


·      LASC MEMBER ROSTER - If a member wants to shoot on a non-match day at LASC (on the weekend or on an LASC Friday), their name must be on the club list for cleared club members maintained at the ASR office.  If their name is not listed, they cannot shoot and will not be admitted to the LASC range.


·      Extravaganza Plaques – Some shooters who won plaques at the 2019 Extravaganza have not picked them up.  


·      Jim Henry – Jim will be at LASC for your firearm needs


·      LASC MEMBERS:  NOW IN 2020 CLUB MEMBERS CAN NOW SHOOT ON TWO FRIDAYS A MONTH!:  Each month, the Friday before the two-day match and the Friday before the .22 match are now RESERVED for LASC members to shoot.  If you are able, LASC needs its members to come up and shoot on those OPEN Fridays so we can show ASR that our club members are actively making use of those days. 

If members don’t use them, we may lose them next year since ASR gets many requests to rent our range!  Of course, each shooter will need to check-in at the ASR main office and pay the nominal ASR fee.   


Further, if any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110.  They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.

April 2020

April News Letter

Dear Shooters,


With the COVID-19 pandemic still with us and LA County keeping the stay at home order in place, all matches at LASC have been cancelled or postponed. The LASC two day club match scheduled for May 9 & 10 has been cancelled, and the CRPA State Championship Match scheduled for May 22-24 is being postponed until the fall. The exact date of the State Match is yet to be determined. We will keep you informed as soon as a new date is set. 


Jerry Napier

President LASC

May 2020

May News Letter

June 2020

June News Letter






We hope this will be a successful start to getting back to our regular monthly match schedule. 


We want shooters to know that LASC intends to provide a safe shooting environment for those attending.  Therefore, matches and the requirements of shooters will be a little different during this era of Corona virus.  LASC is must comply with county and state Covid-19 regulations so it can remain open to hold its club events.


Please read the following and be prepared for some changes at the match.


·         Masks will be required when you are on the firing line and we will ask that shooters keep social distancing in mind.


·         We are setting up the range to have at least one or hopefully two shooting positions between each shooter.  You may have to wait a string before you can get to your animal.  But that will mean more time to socialize.


·         Release forms must be signed.  To minimize points of contact, attached to this newsletter is the release form in pdf format which you may print and complete prior to arriving at the range.  Then it simply needs to be dropped off at the match.  (We will have them at the range to sign and turn in as usual if you forget.)


·         If you want to shoot Creedmoor on a rug, we suggest you bring your own shooting pad and move it as needed or have an old sheet that you can place over a club rug and move as necessary.  We are trying to minimize contact to common services.


·         LASC will have hand sanitizer on the firing line and we suggest that that you also carry wipes with you.


·         Cards and payment:  There will be a new process of paying for cards, getting cards and turning completed ones in for score.  Please be able to pay without making change (stock up on those $10, $5 and $1 dollar bills) to minimize contact.  Cards will be handed out and there may be a new process for completed cards which will not be turned in but photographed by the match director.  When you arrive at the range, we will check you in and get you started with the new process.


There will be target setters at the .22 match as usual.


This is all a work-in-progress of how to successfully hold a match, so bear with us and let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas. 




Hope to see you at LASC this Saturday!

July 2020

July News Letter



The club held its first match in four months on Saturday, June 27th!


Beginning in July with the two-day match on July 11th and 12th, LASC will hold its regularly scheduled matches.

NOTE:  New Match Procedures and Shooter requirements during the era of COVID 19. 

Due to the Corona virus, new safety procedures have been instituted that all shooters much follow so LASC complies with county and state regulations for safety and social distancing.  And to ensure the club and will not be shut down by the county.  LASC wants to keep all members safe and shooting during the epidemic.

How does this impact the firing line and match?


Because of the required social distancing, we lost 50% of our shooting positions (every other bay is closed off).  This exposed some issues with our range set-up, practice swinger positions and match procedures.  It created a situation where shooters who bought cards and wanted to shoot for score had to wait due to the reductions in shooting positions. Therefore we are making some changes to the range set-up and procedures to improve efficiency.


1. Shooters who are shooting for score will have priority at all times on the firing line during the match.


2. There will be not be any swingers set up next to the target banks on the .22 side of the firing line.


3.  During the match, practice, sighters and sight setting will be done on the swingers in the center of the firing line and not on free-standing targets. 


4.  The amount of time a shooter will be allowed to camp out on the swingers during the match will be at the discretion of the match director. 


5.  Before the match starts and after its conclusion, shooters will have ample time to practice and get new sight settings on the center swingers. 


This is not how we have run matches in the past but it is closer to the rules set by IHMSA and the NRA.  We think that under these guidelines our matches will run smoother, more efficiently, and shooters will still find time to socialize (6 feet apart, please!) during the event. 


What about Shooter’s requirements, LASC scoring procedures and lunches?


1.          Masks will be required when you are on the firing line even if you are not shooting, and we will ask that shooters and all visitors keep social distancing in mind.


2.          Release forms must be signed.  To minimize points of contact, attached to this newsletter is the release form in pdf format which you may print and complete prior to arriving at the range.  Then it simply needs to be dropped off at the match.  (We will have them at the range to sign and turn in as usual if you forget.)


3.          If you want to shoot Creedmoor on a rug, we ask that you bring your own shooting pad and move it as needed.  If you use a club rug, you will need to move it as necessary and keep THE SAME RUG for the entire match.  We are trying to minimize contact to common services.


4.          LASC will have hand sanitizer on the firing line and we suggest that that you also carry wipes with you.


5.          Cards and payment:  There will be a new process of paying for cards, getting cards and turning completed ones in for score.  Please be able to pay without making change (stock up on those $10, $5 and $1 dollar bills) to minimize contact.  Cards will be sold AT THE STAT HOUSE WHEN YOU CHECK IN and there will be a new process for completed cards which will photographed by the match director.  EACH SHOOTER WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE CARDS LEGIBLY or they will not get credit for the match.   Cards will be turned into the match director on the firing line.


6.          LUNCHES:  LASC will be servicing lunches thanks to Faye Henry.  BUT, ORDERING LUNCH WILL BE A NEW AND EASY PROCESS!  When you pay for your cards at the stat house, you will also pay for your lunch at the same time.  (Or later, if you change your mind,)  You will place your order and be given a ticket.  During the lunch break, you can pick up your order from Faye at the club house window-service area when you turn in your lunch ticket.  We will have ample tables and chairs set up OUTSIDE ONLY to allow for a leisurely lunch and social distancing while relaxing.  (Until further notice, there will be no Saturday night club dinners served.)


7.          LASC CLUBHOUSE is OFF LIMITS:  To keep in compliance with county regulations mandating OUTSIDE GATHERINGS only, members will not be permitted to enter the club house.  Faye will be preparing food for club members in the club house, and we must keep contact to a minimum.  


8.          JIM HENRY:  Jim will be there for the two-day match for your firearm repairs.  He will be in his usual spot at the far end of the clubhouse, but please meet Jim at the ramp door with your firearm and do not enter the clubhouse.  There will be a table set up outside.  Most importantly, don’t forget to wear your mask and social distance while you are talking to other club members including Jim.


While this seems like a lot of rules and new processes for LASC members and guests, we want to keep the club open, members and guests shooting while maintaining a safe environment so all our shooters can feel confident that LASC is doing its best when they attend our matches.


9.  WE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST:    if you’ve read this far, you deserve to know that thanks to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas THE CLUB BATHROOMS ARE COMPLETED!!!!  They are breath taking (if bathrooms can be).  DON’T MISS THE GRAND OPENING AT THIS MATCH!

NOTE:  We have the following for all LASC shooters and need your help:

It has been brought to LASC’s attention that at the February two-day match some of Jim Henrys’ tools went missing. The replacement value of these tools is about $250.00.  With the return of the matches, the person or persons that “borrowed” these tools respectfully now return them.  Jim has been gracious with his time and skills to keep our firearms in good working order and his tools are how he makes a living.  Jim has been without them for months, and the person who borrowed them probably forgot that they used them four months ago.  Please help Jim and the rest of the LASC shooters and return the missing equipment.

August 2020

August News Letter



Sept 4th, 5th and 6th

LASC will hold its three-day Extravaganza of Silhouette shooting starting on Friday, September 4th through Sunday September 6th.  The Award ceremony will be on Sunday evening, and that will allow those participants who are traveling to stay around for a relaxing Sunday evening while we present the awards.  Participants will have Monday, Labor Day, to head home.


We want to thank all of you who responded to the questionnaire we sent out in July.  That helped LASC make a decision on the dates and number of days. 




Saturday, October 10th – after the match about 4:30.  We will be including more information on the meeting in upcoming newsletters.

We must get business done so the club can continue to move ahead.  IF you can attend, LASC needs you there to weigh in on future projects.  LASC MEMBERS WILL BE GIVEN   INFORMATION ABOUT PROXY FORMS!    Please plan on attending.  As a member, your input is important!

The positions of club President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are open for nominations.  If you want to run for a club position, please submit your name to club secretary Joel Mosher (e-mail:, no later than September 20th.

NOTE:  We are including this again in hopes that it jogs someone’s memory:  

It has been brought to LASC’s attention that at the February two-day match some of Jim Henrys’ tools went missing. The replacement value of these tools is about $250.00.  With the return of the matches, the person or persons that “borrowed” these tools respectfully now return them.  Jim has been gracious with his time and skills to keep our firearms in good working order and his tools are how he makes a living.  Jim has been without them for months, and the person who borrowed them probably forgot that they used them four months ago.  Please help Jim and the rest of the LASC shooters and return the missing equipment.



We are making waffles for Sunday mornings to entice shooters to arrive early.  Come before 9am and partake in a waffle breakfast with all the trimmings.  Don’t miss out!


·          Jim Henry – Jim and Faye will be at the August match.  Will your guns be ready for the Extravaganza??


·          If any club member wants to check the possibility of LASC being available during the week, they must call the ASR office at (818) 899-2255 and speak to either Alex at extension 103 or Jeannette at extension 110.  They will be able to advise you of LASC availability, and if it is booked all day or only a partial day.


·          REMEMBER:  On Lever-Action or .22 match days if you do not attend the match and arrive at LASC post match activities or on non-match days, when LASC is open for members to use, they must ALWAYS check-in at the ASR ADMINISTRATION office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form (this can be done at the LASC firing line).  We know that since LASC members are not signing in at the sales office, it makes it difficult for non-shareholders to pay the shooting fee which is required by ASR.  We will be addressing that in the next newsletter, and let club members know how to pay.  IN THE MEANTIME WE MUST HAVE MEMBERS CHECK IN FOR INSURANCE REASONS AND TO TRACK LASC MEMBER USAGE.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

REMINDER OF HOW WE ARE KEEPING SAFE AND IN COMPLIANCE:  Match Procedures and Shooter requirements during the era of COVID 19.  We will be adhering to these guidelines and the county guidelines for the Extravaganza.

Due to the Corona virus, new safety procedures have been instituted that all shooters much follow so LASC complies with county and state regulations for safety and social distancing.  And to ensure the club and will not be shut down by the county.  LASC wants to keep all members safe and shooting during the epidemic.

How does this impact the firing line and match?


Because of the required social distancing, we lost 50% of our shooting positions (every other bay is closed off).  This exposed some issues with our range set-up, practice swinger positions and match procedures.  It created a situation where shooters who bought cards and wanted to shoot for score had to wait due to the reductions in shooting positions. Therefore we are making some changes to the range set-up and procedures to improve efficiency.


1. Shooters who are shooting for score will have priority at all times on the firing line during the match.


2. There will be not be any swingers set up next to the target banks on the .22 side of the firing line.


3.  During the match, practice, sighters and sight setting will be done on the swingers in the center of the firing line and not on free-standing targets. 


4.  The amount of time a shooter will be allowed to camp out on the swingers during the match will be at the discretion of the match director. 


5.  Before the match starts and after its conclusion, shooters will have ample time to practice and get new sight settings on the center swingers. 


This is not how we have run matches in the past but it is closer to the rules set by IHMSA and the NRA.  We think that under these guidelines our matches will run smoother, more efficiently, and shooters will still find time to socialize (6 feet apart, please!) during the event. 


What about Shooter’s requirements, LASC scoring procedures and lunches?


1.          Masks will be REQUIRED when you are on the firing line even if you are not shooting, and we will ask that shooters and all visitors keep social distancing in mind.


2.          Release forms must be signed.  To minimize points of contact, attached to this newsletter is the release form in pdf format which you may print and complete prior to arriving at the range.  Then it simply needs to be dropped off at the match.  (We will have them at the range to sign and turn in as usual if you forget.)


3.          If you want to shoot Creedmoor on a rug, we ask that you bring your own shooting pad and move it as needed.  If you use a club rug, you will need to move it as necessary and keep THE SAME RUG for the entire match.  We are trying to minimize contact to common services.


4.          LASC will have hand sanitizer on the firing line and we suggest that that you also carry wipes with you.


5.          Cards and payment:  There will be a new process of paying for cards, getting cards and turning completed ones in for score.  Please be able to pay without making change (stock up on those $10, $5 and $1 dollar bills) to minimize contact.  Cards will be sold AT THE STAT HOUSE WHEN YOU CHECK IN and there will be a new process for completed cards which will photographed by the match director.  EACH SHOOTER WILL NEED TO COMPLETE THE CARDS LEGIBLY or they will not get credit for the match.   Cards will be turned into the match director on the firing line.


6.          LUNCHES:  LASC will be servicing lunches thanks to Faye Henry.  BUT, ORDERING LUNCH WILL BE A NEW AND EASY PROCESS!  When you pay for your cards at the stat house, you will also pay for your lunch at the same time.  (Or later, if you change your mind,)  You will place your order and be given a ticket.  During the lunch break, you can pick up your order from Faye at the club house window-service area when you turn in your lunch ticket.  We will have ample tables and chairs set up OUTSIDE ONLY to allow for a leisurely lunch and social distancing while relaxing.  (Until further notice, there will be no Saturday night club dinners served at the two-day matches for the time being.)


7.          LASC CLUBHOUSE is OFF LIMITS:  To keep in compliance with county regulations mandating OUTSIDE GATHERINGS only, members will not be permitted to enter the club house.  Faye will be preparing food for club members in the club house, and we must keep contact to a minimum.  


8.          JIM HENRY:  Jim will be there for the two-day match for your firearm repairs.  He will be in his usual spot at the far end of the clubhouse, but please meet Jim at the ramp door with your firearm and do not enter the clubhouse.  There will be a rope across the door.  Most importantly, don’t forget to wear your mask and social distance while you are talking to other club members including Jim.


While this seems like a lot of rules and new processes for LASC members and guests, we want to keep the club open, members and guests shooting while maintaining a safe environment so all our shooters can feel confident that LASC is doing its best when they attend our matches.



September 2020

September News Letter




Sept 4th, 5th and 6th

LASC will hold its three-day Extravaganza of Silhouette shooting starting on Friday, September 4th through Sunday September 6th.  The Award ceremony will be on Sunday evening, and that will allow those participants who are traveling to stay around for a relaxing Sunday evening while we present the awards.  Participants will have Monday, Labor Day, to head home.


► The cost for the three-day event (all the guns you can shoot) and two nights of fantastic dinners is $70.

► Two days and one dinner can be purchased for $55.

► Individual days can be purchased for $20 which covers all the guns you can shoot for that one day.  Meals will be an additional charge.

► Individual cards can be purchased for $10 if a shooter only wants to shoot one match.

► Dinners can be purchased each night for $15. 

► Breakfast and Lunch will be available for $5 each. 




► Tuesday, September 1st - Those who plan on staying on property may arrive after 1pm on Tuesday afternoon.  We have campsites and motorhome set ups.  NOTE:  The firing line will be closed on Wednesday for prep.


► Thursday, September 3rd:  The range is open for practice all day.  Get your guns ready!


Saturday, October 10th – after the match about 4:30.  We will be including more information on the meeting in upcoming newsletters.

We must get business done so the club can continue to move ahead.  IF you can attend, LASC needs you there to weigh in on future projects.  LASC MEMBERS WILL BE GIVEN   INFORMATION ABOUT PROXY FORMS!    Please plan on attending.  As a member, your input is important!

The positions of club President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are open for nominations.  If you want to run for a club position, please submit your name to club secretary Joel Mosher (e-mail:, no later than September 20th.

October 2020

October News Letter

November 2020

November News Letter






**An Important Message

from Our Match Director**

Guidelines for Sighter Shots

During Matches


As you all are aware, the issues created by the COVID-19 have reduced our shooting capacity by roughly half.  This has created problems with shooters taking extended sighter shots while the match is under way.  As a result it has become necessary to restrict sighter shots to the swinging targets only! 


Most silhouette shooting disciplines restrict sighter shots to five rounds during matches, which are to be fired on designated sighter targets only.  Due to range availability and the absence of other matches in our area, we have been relaxed in enforcing these restrictions. 


Starting with the November Big Bore match we will be restricting all sighter shots to the swinging targets only.  (Any free-standing targets that are shot during the match are to be counted towards your score.)  I ask that you keep the number of shots you fire to confirm sight setting to a minimum (you should already have sight settings for your equipment prior to the match).  If there continues to be a problem, then we will have to allow only five shots in preparation for your shoot-through.


I would also like to remind all shooters that there are rules for the various disciplines fired at LASC and it is up to shooters to familiarize themselves with these rules and to obey them.  They are in place to provide a “level playing field” on which everyone competes.  Failure to obey these rules can result in the disqualification of your scores.


Thanks for taking your time to read this,

JR Ray, Match Director LASC



Saturday, November 14th

Our ANNUAL Saturday Turkey Feast is now going to be a Thanksgiving Lunch with all the trimmings! 

This year due to Covid and the increase in cases in Los Angeles County, indoor dining is not permitted.  Since it is winter and the temperatures drop once the sun goes down, LASC has opted to have a Thanksgiving Lunch.  It is very comfortable at LASC during the day, and we can sit outside and stay warm in the sun, practice social distancing (and don’t forget your masks) and still celebrate the holiday.  Lunch will be served at 12 noon.  Those who want to linger can sit around and enjoy the company and food and return to shooting when they are ready.

Don’t forget to save room for pie, which will be served a little later in the afternoon.  We are going to try and bring that up to the firing line. 

And we also get to include our target setters as small “Thank you” for all the work they have done throughout the year.  We cannot thank them enough for their tireless effort in keeping us shooters happy.

AN LASC REQUEST:  For Club Members:  If you attend the lunch, please, after the meal, help with the clean-up.  You’ve enjoyed a great meal prepared by the LASC kitchen crew (Faye Henry, Pam Ray, Joe Cadenas, for a start).  After we finish, let them relax a little and ask what you can do to help clean up. 

Annual Meeting Update

LASC held its Annual Meeting last month after the Saturday Match.  The positions of club President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer stay the same. 

LASC is working to get WiFi and Internet services at the range. And, thanks to Jerry Napier and Joe Cadenas, the Stat House and showers are getting completed.  So little-by-little LASC is coming back better than before. 

It was decided that LASC would not hold the California State Lever Action match in 2021.  It was Hat Creek’s turn to host the event in northern California, but they decided not to proceed and offered the match to LASC.  The club decided not to hold it in 2021, but hopes to in 2022, which would have been the next time we were due to host the event.  We are considering the possibility of holding a Regional match, much like we did in 2019.  Stay tuned and we will let you know if we will be proceeding with that in May 2021.


At this time LASC is planning on having its annual Christmas Festivities at the Lunch.  So plan to come to the Big Bore match and enjoy the last Saturday lunch and Christmas Feast of 2020.  Please check with Faye Henry and Pam Ray to see how you can be of help for this annual event.  The after lunch clean-up crew is important.



We are making waffles for Sunday mornings to entice shooters to arrive early.  Come before 9am and partake in a waffle breakfast.  Don’t miss out!


·       Jim Henry – Jim will be there for your firearm needs


·       REMEMBER:  On Lever-Action or .22 match days if you do not attend the match and arrive at LASC post match activities or on non-match days, when LASC is open for members to use, they must ALWAYS check in at the ASR office, enter their name and the date on the LASC attendance roster, sign a release form and pay the ASR fee before going up to LASC to shoot.  WE MUST HAVE MEMBERS CHECK IN FOR INSURANCE REASONS AND TO TRACK LASC MEMBER USAGE.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!


·       Lost and Found – If you believe you lost something at one of the matches, please check with Jerry Napier.  Anything found goes into the office. There is some interesting items we are accumulating…  


·       Don’t forget to sign a Release Form each time you shoot at LASC.  They are on the firing line or at the ASR office for times when members check in there.

December 2020

December News Letter


We received a good number of responses to the email sent by Jerry Napier asking members and shooters about their attendance at the December two-day match given the sudden increase in cases of COVID.  

It was a difficult decision, but based on the responses and given the circumstances, LASC will NOT be holding the two-day match on 12/12 and 12/13.  

Over half the club members said they would not attend.  In addition, those not attending included Faye and Jim Henry, JR (our current line officer) and Pam Ray, Dave and Patsy Silva and Joyce Brown.  All had good reason not to come, given the situation in L.A. County.  Their absence left us with too few club members who would attend and too few members to oversee the match and do the work.  Each match requires the support of those who set up the range before the match, those who cook lunches for all the members, guests and target setters, and those who break down and clean up the facility after the match. 

We know there were members and guests who wanted to shoot, but with the scarcity of club members to support the necessary two-day match activities, LASC was just not able to make the December match happen. 

Because there will not be a match on the 12th and 13th, those days will be open shooting days.  Members who want to practice at LASC and who are on the list in the ASR office and cleared for using the range, should sign in and pay at ASR.  Shooters can bring their own targets or use the existing swingers.

As of the date of this newsletter, the Cowboy match on Sunday, 12/20 and the .22 match on 12/26 WILL be held.  These are smaller half-day matches which are easier to manage.  If anything changes to prohibit these events, we will inform our shooters. 

LASC appreciates its members’ understanding and dedication during this difficult time.  We will get through this and our club will be able to go back to the monthly matches and those wonderful Saturday night dinners.  When that happens, you can be sure LASC will have a big celebration.

·      Lost and Found – IMPORTANT:  We are accumulating some interesting items…  There is a set of custom-molded ear plugs that were left on the firing line.  We also have a man’s ring (we think it’s a man’s by the size) that was found in the parking lot.  It may have been there sometime.  If you believe you lost something at one of the matches, please check with Jerry Napier.  (You will need to describe the ring to claim it.)  


·      Don’t forget to sign a Release Form each time you shoot at LASC.  They are on the firing line or at the ASR office for times when members check in there.

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